Commuting mode analysis

Saint John NB CA

For the week of 29 May 2023 through 04 Jun 2023 37 commuters reporting.

Efficiency: 87%  Miles saved: 497,712  CO2 saved: 199mt

n = 37

Commuting Mode
Frequency Average
Drive by myself 31.8% 277 26045 23066lb
Drive by myself 31.8% 277 26045 23066lb
Drive by myself 31.8% 277 26045 23066lb
Drive by myself 31.8% 277 26045 23066lb
Drive by myself 13.5% 342 13693 12113lb
Carpool with one other person 50% 5.4% 89 1419 709 646lb 646lb
Carpool with one other person 50% 5.4% 89 1419 709 646lb 646lb
Carpool with one other person 50% 5.4% 89 1419 709 646lb 646lb
Carpool with one other person 50% 5.4% 89 1419 709 646lb 646lb
Carpool with one other person 50% 2.7% 165 1322 661 603lb 603lb
Carpool with two other people 67% 0.7% 325 649 433 191lb 382lb
Carpool with two other people 67% 0.7% 325 649 433 191lb 382lb
Carpool with two other people 67% 0.7% 325 649 433 191lb 382lb
Carpool with two other people 67% 0.7% 325 649 433 191lb 382lb
Carpool with two other people 67% 0.7% 325 649 433 191lb 382lb
Carpool with three other people 75% 4.7% 34 479 359 105lb 316lb
Carpool with three other people 75% 4.7% 34 479 359 105lb 316lb
Carpool with three other people 75% 4.7% 34 479 359 105lb 316lb
Carpool with three other people 75% 4.7% 34 479 359 105lb 316lb
Carpool with three other people 75% 1.7% 94 471 353 104lb 311lb
Carpool with five other people 85% 0.3% 373 373 317 49lb 279lb
Carpool with five other people 85% 0.3% 373 373 317 49lb 279lb
Carpool with five other people 85% 0.3% 373 373 317 49lb 279lb
Carpool with five other people 85% 0.3% 373 373 317 49lb 279lb
Carpool with five other people 85% 0.3% 373 373 317 49lb 279lb
Large vanpool 90% 0.7% 249171 498343 448509 43937lb 179mt
Large vanpool 90% 0.7% 249171 498343 448509 43937lb 179mt
Large vanpool 90% 0.7% 249171 498343 448509 43937lb 179mt
Large vanpool 90% 0.7% 249171 498343 448509 43937lb 179mt
Large vanpool 90% 0.7% 249171 498343 448509 43937lb 179mt
Take mass transportation 100% 56.4% 284 47385 47385 41861lb
Take mass transportation 100% 56.4% 284 47385 47385 41861lb
Take mass transportation 100% 56.4% 284 47385 47385 41861lb
Take mass transportation 100% 56.4% 284 47385 47385 41861lb
Take mass transportation 100% 30.7% 330 30015 30015 26545lb
Week total 87% 100.0% 1942 574692 497712 67994lb 199mt
Annualized total       29883980 25881003 1604mt 10353mt