Commuting mode analysis

Redwood City CA US

For the week of 29 May 2023 through 04 Jun 2023 628 commuters reporting.

Efficiency: 82%  Miles saved: 14,087,324  CO2 saved: 5,737mt

n = 628

Commuting Mode
Frequency Average
Drive by myself 41.9% 322 1383706 555mt
Drive by myself 41.9% 322 1383335 554mt
Drive by myself 41.9% 322 1383335 554mt
Drive by myself 41.9% 322 1383335 554mt
Drive by myself 17.3% 283 503024 200mt
Carpool with one other person 50% 5.5% 63 35696 17848 17470lb 17470lb
Carpool with one other person 50% 5.5% 63 35696 17848 17470lb 17470lb
Carpool with one other person 50% 5.5% 63 35696 17848 17470lb 17470lb
Carpool with one other person 50% 5.5% 63 35696 17848 17470lb 17470lb
Carpool with one other person 50% 2.1% 53 11351 5675 5687lb 5687lb
Carpool with two other people 67% 1.4% 34 5007 3338 1450lb 2900lb
Carpool with two other people 67% 1.4% 34 5007 3338 1450lb 2900lb
Carpool with two other people 67% 1.4% 34 5007 3338 1450lb 2900lb
Carpool with two other people 67% 1.4% 34 5007 3338 1450lb 2900lb
Carpool with two other people 67% 0.5% 25 1374 916 394lb 789lb
Carpool with three other people 75% 1.3% 40 5109 3832 1120lb 3360lb
Carpool with three other people 75% 1.3% 40 5109 3832 1120lb 3360lb
Carpool with three other people 75% 1.3% 40 5109 3832 1120lb 3360lb
Carpool with three other people 75% 1.3% 40 5109 3832 1120lb 3360lb
Carpool with three other people 75% 0.5% 39 1935 1451 424lb 1272lb
Carpool with four other people 80% 1.1% 35 3941 3152 700lb 2801lb
Carpool with four other people 80% 1.1% 35 3941 3152 700lb 2801lb
Carpool with four other people 80% 1.1% 35 3941 3152 700lb 2801lb
Carpool with four other people 80% 1.1% 35 3941 3152 700lb 2801lb
Carpool with four other people 80% 0.5% 36 1719 1375 305lb 1221lb
Carpool with five other people 85% 0.3% 48 1429 1215 167lb 949lb
Carpool with five other people 85% 0.3% 48 1429 1215 167lb 949lb
Carpool with five other people 85% 0.3% 48 1429 1215 167lb 949lb
Carpool with five other people 85% 0.3% 48 1429 1215 167lb 949lb
Carpool with five other people 85% 0.1% 46 555 472 65lb 367lb
Carpool with six other people or more 90% 0.2% 25 504 453 45lb 402lb
Carpool with six other people or more 90% 0.2% 25 504 453 45lb 402lb
Carpool with six other people or more 90% 0.2% 25 504 453 45lb 402lb
Carpool with six other people or more 90% 0.2% 25 504 453 45lb 402lb
Carpool with six other people or more 90% 0.1% 42 335 302 30lb 267lb
Small vanpool 86% 0.7% 29414 2088414 1790063 120mt 722mt
Small vanpool 86% 0.7% 29414 2088414 1790063 120mt 722mt
Small vanpool 86% 0.7% 29414 2088414 1790063 120mt 722mt
Small vanpool 86% 0.7% 29414 2088414 1790063 120mt 722mt
Small vanpool 86% 0.2% 55651 1335615 1144809 77mt 462mt
Large vanpool 90% 0.6% 222455 13347283 12012555 538mt 4845mt
Large vanpool 90% 0.6% 222455 13347283 12012555 538mt 4845mt
Large vanpool 90% 0.6% 222455 13347283 12012555 538mt 4845mt
Large vanpool 90% 0.6% 222455 13347283 12012555 538mt 4845mt
Large vanpool 90% 0.3% 205351 5339122 4805210 215mt 1938mt
Walk or bicycle 100% 0.7% 7 473 473 400lb
Walk or bicycle 100% 0.7% 7 473 473 400lb
Walk or bicycle 100% 0.7% 7 473 473 400lb
Walk or bicycle 100% 0.7% 7 473 473 400lb
Walk or bicycle 100% 0.3% 5 143 143 116lb
Take motorcycle or scooter 90% 0.0  26 79 71 7lb 63lb
Take motorcycle or scooter 90% 0.0  26 79 71 7lb 63lb
Take motorcycle or scooter 90% 0.0  26 79 71 7lb 63lb
Take motorcycle or scooter 90% 0.0  26 79 71 7lb 63lb
Work from home / telecommute 100% 0.4% 33 1364 1364 1213lb
Work from home / telecommute 100% 0.4% 33 1364 1364 1213lb
Work from home / telecommute 100% 0.4% 33 1364 1364 1213lb
Work from home / telecommute 100% 0.4% 33 1364 1364 1213lb
Work from home / telecommute 100% 0.2% 30 481 481 428lb
Take mass transportation 100% 46.0% 54 252961 252961 156mt
Take mass transportation 100% 46.0% 54 252961 252961 156mt
Take mass transportation 100% 46.0% 54 252961 252961 156mt
Take mass transportation 100% 46.0% 54 252961 252961 156mt
Take mass transportation 100% 20.1% 59 122342 122342 58mt
Week total 82% 100.0% 1667 17125964 14087324 1223mt 5737mt
Annualized total       890550135 732540862 63584mt 298331mt