Please click on the "Sign Up!" button to set up a personal account. You must provide a valid email address. You will be asked to enter the location of your "Trip Origin" (where you live or where you wish to meet your carpool). After you confirm your email account, you will be able to view your matches and contact the other commuters in your group by phone or email. Possible carpool matches also will be emailed to you periodically. If you do not wish to reveal your street address when you enter a carpool request, merely enter your street name or neighborhood.
Please see our Safety, privacy, and terms of use agreement for CarpoolWorld's commitments, limitations, and advice concering safety and privacy. CarpoolWorld strives to keep your information private and does not send spam. You have the option when you register if you wish to provide your telephone number or just use emails. You can choose to be matched only with people within the Lake Michigan Academy group.
Once you have created your account, you are free to search the site for other commuters who want to carpool. You may search for those who live close to you, who have similar schedules, or who have similar driving preferences. If you are interested in carpooling with someone, simply click the provided link to send them an email, or call them if they provide a phone number. From there you are free to make arrangements that suit you both. The site also includes advanced features to search for carpools and to display the matches on a map, as you wish.