Carpool Windsor to Ottawa Ontario Canada

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Flexible (One way)
I'm trying to buy a box of dishes in Kitchener through the Facebook Marketplace. I need the package picked up near Westmount Rd E and Block Line Rd in Kitchener, and delivered to Ottawa. I can meet you anywhere in Ottawa at whatever time you get here.
Mon Tue Wed Thu Sat 4:15pm
Regular Schedule (One way)
Leaving kitchner from conestoga college doon campus kitchener at around 4:15 pm friday 6th December and stopping at oshawa/ believille
Tue Wed Thu Fri 4pm - 8am
Regular Schedule (Return)
#carpool #taxishare #telecommute
Tue Thu Fri Sun 11am - 2pm
Regular Schedule (Return)
KWC/GTA to Ottawa > 5 AM Ottawa to KWC/GTA > 2 PM Can help you with doorstep service as well but depends on location, time and price. Pickup/dropoff in GTA/Toronto must be within 5 min drive from 401. Luggage will be additional (especially if you need half or full trunk) so please include luggage information as well. Discuss before booking. Best for same day return traveling between KWC to Ottawa. Not interested in KWC local or to Toronto rides, these routes are generated by the app. Can help people from Guelph, Milton, Stratford and Brantford as well but at additional cost.
#carpool #vanpool #masstransportation
Flexible (Return)

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16,994,046 Cars off the road

86,704,318 mt CO2

9,770,484,462 Gallons

36,985,306,977 Liters

195,008,738,997 Miles

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