Carpool Vaughan to New York New York United States

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Flexible (Return)
Head to New York on either Nov.26th or 27th, and return on either Nov.30th or Dec.1st.
#carpool #vanpool #taxishare
January 23 9am
One-Time Trip (Return)
I can leave Toronto ether on January 22 or 23. On the way back to Toronto I can leave New York on January 27 in the evening, or January 28. Best we connect on phone text me. Best leaving Thursday after 5 pm. Other days and time possible.
#carpool #vanpool
Flexible (Return)
I need two seats for me and my wife to go from Toronto to New York, NY.USA on January 26 or 27, returning from New York to Toronto on January 27 or 28.
#carpool #vanpool
January 23 9am
One-Time Trip (Return)
I need two seats for me and my wife (a carpool with cost sharing) to go to New York (preferably to Brooklyn) on Thursday, January 23 and leaving New York on the way back to Toronto on Monday, January 27. Departure from Toronto can also be on January 22 and leaving New York on the way back on Tuesday, January 28. Departure and arrival hours are flexible.
#carpool #vanpool #masstransportation
Mon Sun 7pm - 9am
Regular Schedule (Return)
Driver or passenger
Fri Sat Sun 9am - 5pm
Regular Schedule (Return)
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 9am - 5pm
Regular Schedule (Return)
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 9am
Regular Schedule (One way)
#carpool #vanpool #taxishare
#carpool #taxishare
Flexible (Return)
Totonto - New York - Toronto. Reliable 5 seat sedan. Flexible dates. Looking for friendly non-smokers.
#carpool #taxishare
Driver or passenger
Flexible (Return)
#carpool #vanpool #masstransportation
Driver or passenger
Flexible (Return)
Leaving Nyc Friday nights to Toronto back Sunday nights
Driver or passenger
Flexible (Return)
Leaving ajax ON 8th june at 7.30 am . Going to new york city via kingston

Total savings

12,286,847 Cars off the road

62,687,997 mt CO2

7,064,147,578 Gallons

26,740,707,456 Liters

140,995,191,616 Miles

226,909,765,743 Kilometers

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Recent trip origins

Dixie Mississauga

Toronto Pearson International Airport Mississauga

Scarborough Town Centre Toronto

Scarborough Toronto

River Forks Lane Cambridge

Humber River Hospital Toronto