Carpool Twentynine Palms to Oakland California United States

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#carpool #vanpool
Driver or passenger
December 13 Noon
One-Time Trip (One way)
Driver or passenger
January 7 10pm
One-Time Trip (One way)
deciding if I should buy a flight or just ride up (as a passenger or rent a car and have passengers)
#carpool #vanpool #taxishare
Flexible (One way)
Looking for a ride either one way or roundtrip. Flexible dates. Prefer "fun" male driver.
#carpool #vanpool #taxishare #walk #cycle #telecommute #masstransportation
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 9am - 5pm
Regular Schedule (Return)
#carpool #vanpool
Flexible (One way)
I am heading to the bay area, from LA area and I have room for 1-2 people in my car.

Total savings

16,994,046 Cars off the road

86,704,318 mt CO2

9,770,484,462 Gallons

36,985,306,977 Liters

195,008,738,997 Miles

313,836,144,172 Kilometers

Savings in your area

Recent trip origins

Los Angeles Convention Center Los Angeles

Point Loma San Diego

North Park San Diego

Woodland Hills Los Angeles

Sabre Springs San Diego

Anaheim Hills Anaheim

Hollywood Los Angeles

Sunset & Westridge St. George