Carpool Toronto to Hamilton Ontario Canada

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Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 8am - 4:15pm
Regular Schedule (Return)
Driver or passenger
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 5:30am - 5pm
Regular Schedule (Return)
Tue Wed Thu Fri 9am - 5:30pm
Regular Schedule (Return)
Flexible (Return)
#carpool #taxishare
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 8:30am - 4:15pm
Regular Schedule (Return)
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 6:15am
Regular Schedule (One way)
#carpool #vanpool
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 8:45am - 5pm
Regular Schedule (Return)
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 8:30am - 5:30pm
Regular Schedule (Return)
I go to missisauga daily for work. My ride is available from Monday to Friday 7:00 am -5:30 pm. Ajax to Missisauga and back. Please feel free to text me.

New Carpool 2023 Hyundai 3 Seats available
Flexible (Return)

Employment status: Self employed
In a carpool/vanpool, I'm Shy at first, but warm up quickly
TV watching habits are: Documentaries, Movies
Language(s) spoken: Arabic, English, French, Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu
Interests: Community service, Computers / Internet, Cooking, Family, Health / fitness, Travel
Sense of humor is usually: Friendly

Full Carpool 7 Seats available

Total savings

12,236,709 Cars off the road

62,432,187 mt CO2

7,035,321,070 Gallons

26,631,587,254 Liters

140,417,199,864 Miles

225,979,578,184 Kilometers

Savings in your area

Recent trip origins

North York Toronto

Firkin On Yonge Toronto

Etobicoke Toronto

Dixie Mississauga

Scarborough Town Centre Toronto

Scarborough Toronto

Humber River Hospital Toronto

Dvp/yorkmills Toronto