Carpool St. Catharines to Toronto Canada

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Flexible (Return)
I need a carpool to lengkeng bar & lounge, I need to make it there by 7:30 and my mom and her friend are coming too, we need a ride back by 12:30 and I really need to make it there on time please give us a ride!!
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 8am - 2:45pm
Regular Schedule (Return)
Flexible (Return)
#carpool #vanpool
Tue Wed 8am - 4pm
Regular Schedule (Return)
#carpool #vanpool

Total savings

475,015 Cars off the road

2,423,544 mt CO2

273,102,827 Gallons

1,033,806,657 Liters

5,455,119,954 Miles

8,779,164,571 Kilometers

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Recent trip destinations

North York Toronto

Union Station Toronto Toronto

Yorkdale Shopping Centre Toronto

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Beamsville Lincoln

Ontario Street Lincoln