Carpool Spokane to Los Angeles California United States

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#carpool #vanpool #masstransportation
Flexible (Return)
I’m trying to get a ride to my father’s in the Bay Area from southern Oregon. I am in Cave Junction but could meet in grants Pass if needed. I’m going to Palo Alto but would take a ride to anywhere in the bay area. It’s just me traveling and I’m only going for a couple days so I am traveling lite. I i’m looking for a ride there or back or both. I’m flexible on dates and can afford to take a bus home if I need to.
#carpool #vanpool #cycle
Flexible (Return)
Howdy :) I’m 23 from Ireland travelling around the western US states this summer. I’m looking for a ride from Seattle to California ( preferably LA ) this weekend - 06-08.07
#carpool #vanpool #masstransportation
Driver or passenger
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 8am - 5pm
Regular Schedule (Return)
#carpool #taxishare
Flexible (One way)
#carpool #vanpool
Flexible (Return)
#carpool #vanpool #cycle
Driver or passenger
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 8am - 4pm
Regular Schedule (Return)
Looking to carpool to offset some of the costs and help out the environment. I've done it before with co-workers etc. and it has worked out nicely.

Total savings

2,775,474 Cars off the road

14,160,581 mt CO2

1,595,719,089 Gallons

6,040,453,838 Liters

31,823,181,844 Miles

51,214,446,781 Kilometers

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Recent trip origins

Madison Park Seattle

Belvedere Belvedere station Edmonton