Carpool Santa Clarita to Orange County California United States

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#carpool #vanpool
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 10am - 6:45pm
Regular Schedule (Return)
Driver or passenger
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 7am - 4pm
Regular Schedule (Return)
Arrive and leave times can be adjusted to 8 am to 5pm. I own a Tesla Y. Looking for someone to take turns driving our own cars.
#carpool #vanpool
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 6am - 4pm
Regular Schedule (Return)

In a carpool/vanpool, I'm I mind my own business
TV watching habits are: Sports Nut
Language(s) spoken: English, Spanish
Interests: Cooking
Sense of humor is usually: Friendly
#carpool #vanpool
Mon Wed Fri 7:30am - 4:15pm
Regular Schedule (Return)
#carpool #vanpool #taxishare
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 8:30am - 5pm
Regular Schedule (Return)
#carpool #vanpool #masstransportation
#carpool #vanpool #taxishare
Driver or passenger
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 7:45am - 5:30pm
Regular Schedule (Return)
#carpool #vanpool
Mon Wed Fri 4:15am
Regular Schedule (One way)

Employment status: Full time Medical
In a carpool/vanpool, I'm Shy at first, but warm up quickly
TV watching habits are: Documentaries
Language(s) spoken: English
Interests: Cooking, Family, Listening to music, Reading, Religion / spirituality
Sense of humor is usually: Friendly
#carpool #vanpool #telecommute
Wed 7am - 4pm
Regular Schedule (Return)
I'm a nondriver (vision issues), but the arrangement I have with my current carpoolers (we're always looking for new members!) is that they do all the driving, and I pay for the gas. Everybody seems to feel that this is a "win-win" situation. As for departure and return hours, there's some flexibility there. We chose the current schedule to try to avoid the commute times with the worst traffic.

Total savings

2,775,474 Cars off the road

14,160,581 mt CO2

1,595,719,089 Gallons

6,040,453,838 Liters

31,823,181,844 Miles

51,214,446,781 Kilometers

Savings in your area

Recent trip origins

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