Carpool San Francisco to Santa Cruz California United States

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Flexible (Return)
Hi, I am a professional tech worker that lives in San Francisco looking for a ride share to Santa Clara with another professional. I'll be starting a new job at the end of the month and will likely travel on Mondays and Thursdays. I'm a non-smoker, quiet, and don't wear any perfume.
#carpool #vanpool
Mon Thu 8:30am - 4pm
Regular Schedule (Return)
Professional tech worker looking for a ride share twice per week from Potrero Hill, San Francisco CA to Santa Clara (right off interstate).
#carpool #vanpool #taxishare
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 9am - 5:30pm
Regular Schedule (Return)
#carpool #vanpool
Tue Wed Thu Fri 7am - 5pm
Regular Schedule (Return)
#carpool #vanpool
Driver or passenger
Mon Tue Wed Thu 8:30am - 3:30pm
Regular Schedule (Return)
Going into office 4 days a week. Can drive and/or be a passenger. Currently taking 280, but am pretty flexible, both on direction and time. If you're driving I would be more than willing to meet you somewhere convenient for you.
Employment status: Full time

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475,015 Cars off the road

2,423,544 mt CO2

273,102,827 Gallons

1,033,806,657 Liters

5,455,119,954 Miles

8,779,164,571 Kilometers

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