Carpool San Diego California United States

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#carpool #vanpool
Flexible (Return)
I am visiting beautiful San Diego with my family, we are in total 4 women. We are at Imperial Beach and it would be great to find a carpool friend. We are flexible about departure and return, while knowing in advance. :)
TV watching habits are: Documentaries, Movies
Interests: Arts, Listening to music, Reading, Travel
Sense of humor is usually: Friendly
#carpool #vanpool
Driver or passenger
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 7:45am - 2:30pm
Regular Schedule (Return)
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 7:45am - 2:30pm
Regular Schedule (Return)
Driver or passenger
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 7:45am - 3pm
Regular Schedule (Return)
#carpool #vanpool
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 7:30am - 4pm
Regular Schedule (Return)

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62,687,997 mt CO2

7,064,147,578 Gallons

26,740,707,456 Liters

140,995,191,616 Miles

226,909,765,743 Kilometers

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Academy Of Our Lady Of Peace San Diego

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Eastlake Chula Vista