Carpool Mississauga to Oshawa Ontario Canada

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Flexible (Return)
My office is is from 9-5. So i need to reach before 9 and start around 5 pm
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 7:30am - 7:45am
Regular Schedule (Return)
#carpool #taxishare
Flexible (Return)
Flexible (Return)
Flexible (Return)
Pickup square one Wholefoods parking lot

Total savings

16,994,046 Cars off the road

86,704,318 mt CO2

9,770,484,462 Gallons

36,985,306,977 Liters

195,008,738,997 Miles

313,836,144,172 Kilometers

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Recent trip destinations

Pickering Go Station Pickering

Amica Newmarket Newmarket

Chicago O'hare International Airport Chicago

Recent trip origins

Mount Pleasant Go Station - Info Center Brampton

Humber River Hospital Toronto

Dixie Mississauga

Toronto Pearson International Airport Mississauga

North York Toronto

Barons Street Vaughan