Carpool Albuquerque to Prescott Arizona United States

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Flexible (One way)
Is anyone headed Albuquerque to Prescott or Phoenix? I'm a listener who loves deep conversations and meeting new people. I express a lot of gratitude for the help that I receive, which I rely on at times being neurodivergent and low-income. I would love to hear your stories or just relax to music and the scenery. Timing of the ride: Any day Saturday, September 28 through Tuesday, October 1. I will have almost zero luggage. Thats because I'm dropping everything off in Prescott first with a Turo rental car, which unfortunately does not have a one-way option so I have to return it in Albuquerque and then find a way to get back to Arizona. If anyone is feeling extremely generous and has a large sedan or van, you could even help me move all of my stuff and only have to take one trip, in which case I would just cancel the Turo. I am an LGBTQ person and have devoted my life to human and animal rights and writing. Reach out and make sure you feel at ease hosting me on your ride. It would be so fun and a financial relief to share the trip to Arizona. I am comfortable either riding for free, or splitting the price of fuel with you. Thank you!

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Car-pool, lift-share, drivers traveling with riders, Carlifts, commuters start van-pooling ride-sharing, liftsharing or hitch a ride or start a lift club. Contact other commuters needing or offering a ride. Commute to work, drive cross-country, share a taxi or a cab, rent a car and split the petrol and wear and tear costs. Find a casual drive-away or use public transit. Meet people at the park & ride, college, university, train station, shopping mall. Shared cabs, car lifts are alternatives to driving alone. Organize a group for your community, workplace or special event. Start driving the carpool lane! Whether you need a lift or offer to pick-up someone on your way. Find transportation to any location worldwide, share tolls and fuel cost, start vanpooling / ridesharing! This is a free secure service to match commuting partners - more than a bulletin board. Your city is not listed? View other cities or log in now to our carpool website to get a match-list for your commute.