Carpool Abbotsford to Kelowna British Columbia Canada

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Flexible (One way)
Need to get to kamloops tonight!
Wed Thu 11:30pm
Regular Schedule (One way)
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 12:30pm
Regular Schedule (One way)
Hello I just moved to BC and I don’t really have a car if anyone is willing to let me hitch with them from time to time to Kelowna I would really appreciate please let me know ❤️
#carpool #walk #cycle #masstransportation
Driver or passenger
Flexible (One way)
Periodically I travel Vancouver to Kamloops or the reverse on trips to see family, or on work trips. I know the route reasonably well, prefer to head out early and avoid busy times of day; in the summer driving at night can be great. I usually will have some room for luggage.
Employment status: Part time
In a carpool/vanpool, I'm Good listener, I prefer to read the newspaper
TV watching habits are: I don't watch TV!
Language(s) spoken: English
Interests: Community service, Cooking, Dining, Family, Gardening, Health / fitness, Listening to music, Outdoor activities, Photography, Reading, The environment
Sense of humor is usually: Dry / sarcastic, Friendly, Obscure
Driver or passenger
Flexible (Return)
I have been driving this route pretty regularly first after moving out of my place down south and then on trips to visit family every so often since then. Open to taking a passenger, two would be possible but a little tight, also open to being a passenger.
Employment status: Part time
In a carpool/vanpool, I'm Good listener, I prefer to read the newspaper
TV watching habits are: I don't watch TV!
Language(s) spoken: English
Interests: Community service, Cooking, Dining, Family, Gardening, Health / fitness, Listening to music, Outdoor activities, Photography, Reading, The environment
Sense of humor is usually: Dry / sarcastic, Friendly, Obscure

Total savings

12,286,847 Cars off the road

62,687,997 mt CO2

7,064,147,578 Gallons

26,740,707,456 Liters

140,995,191,616 Miles

226,909,765,743 Kilometers

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Recent trip destinations

Al Mitchell Place Vancouver

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