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#compartir #vanpool
Lun Mar Mié Jue Vie 2pm - 11:15pm
Horario regular (Ida y vuelta)
I was told not to drive my car until after it has some work done unfortunately I do not know when I will be able to afford to have some work done on it and I just got a new job been there not even 2 whole weeks yet and I need reliable transportation to and from work last night after work I was passed up by the first Uber I ordered to come pick me up and didn’t get home until long after my shift.
#compartir #vanpool #transportemasivo
Lun Mar Mié Jue Vie 8am - 5pm
Horario regular (Ida y vuelta)
#compartir #vanpool #compartirtaxi #caminar #ciclo #teletrabajo #transportemasivo
Mié Jue Vie Sáb Dom 6am
Horario regular (Un sólo sentido)
I work as a breakfast server and the hours of operation don’t coincide with public transport. Would save so much if I didn’t Uber every morning
#compartir #vanpool
Lun Mar Mié Jue Vie 9am - 5:15pm
Horario regular (Ida y vuelta)
Interested in an alternative way of commuting.
Lun Mar Mié Jue Vie 9am - 5:30pm
Horario regular (Ida y vuelta)
#compartir #vanpool
Lun Mar Mié Jue Vie 7am - 4pm
Horario regular (Ida y vuelta)

Próximos viajes en tu zona

Ahorro total

3,100,847 Coches fuera de servicio

15,820,647 mt CO2

1,782,787,619 Galones

6,748,585,253 Litros

35,482,819,913 (Millas)

57,104,063,352 Kilómetros

Ahorros en tu zona

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