Carpool Deer Valley Arizona United States

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#carpool #vanpool #taxishare
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 8am - 5pm
Regular Schedule (Return)
Hello, I'm Xaviar I started a new role which require me to be in office. I'm looking to see if anyone willing to carpool to phoenix. Offering $500 to cover expense for the troubles.
#carpool #vanpool #masstransportation
Driver or passenger
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 6:45am - 3:45pm
Regular Schedule (Return)
I work as a teacher at the AZDOC Eyman Prison Complex in Florence, AZ, and I am looking for a round trip car pool/transport option.
#carpool #vanpool #taxishare #cycle
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 3:45am
Regular Schedule (One way)
Hello, I'm looking for reliable transportation to my work place. My clock-in time is at 4a.m. and this my 1st job since moving from a big city and right now transportation is my issue there are no bus routes in Florence that leave to Coolidge that early. If anyone can help me I very much would appreciate you.
#carpool #vanpool
Mon Wed Thu 9am - 4pm
Regular Schedule (Return)

Employment status: Self employed Technical / science / engineering
In a carpool/vanpool, I'm Backseat driver, Comic relief, Good listener, I mind my own business, Shy at first, but warm up quickly, The life of the party
TV watching habits are: Movies
Language(s) spoken: English, Hindi
Interests: Computers / Internet, Family, Gardening, The environment, Theater
Sense of humor is usually: Friendly
Situation: Married
Flexible (Return)
ASU to Wells Fargo office chandler
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 8am - 6:15pm
Regular Schedule (Return)
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 3:45pm - 4am
Regular Schedule (Return)
#carpool #vanpool
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 9am - 5pm
Regular Schedule (Return)
Let me know how I can commute through your service
#carpool #vanpool #masstransportation
January 21 5pm
One-Time Trip (One way)
Hi! I'm on vacations for 1 month to USA and I am flexible on times. I like to travel sharing a car, I'm used to do it in France, this is a great opportunity to meet people and discover many things!
#carpool #taxishare
Tue Thu Fri Sat Sun 7:30am - 4:30pm
Regular Schedule (Return)
I am an intern traveling to Intel Ocotillo campus atleast 3 times a week and looking for Carpool options. I travel from University Drive and looking to connect with people sharing the same destination. Pls reach out!! :)
#carpool #vanpool
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 6am - 3:30pm
Regular Schedule (Return)
Hi! My name is Summer and I'm looking for a carpool to work. I live in Gilbert and live about 20 minutes away from work. Happy to help with the cost of gas. Thanks!
#carpool #vanpool #taxishare
#carpool #vanpool #masstransportation
Driver or passenger
Mon Tue Wed Thu 7:30am - 3:30pm
Regular Schedule (Return)
#carpool #vanpool #taxishare
Driver or passenger
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 9am - 4:45pm
Regular Schedule (Return)
#carpool #vanpool #taxishare
Tue Wed Thu 8:30am - 5:30pm
Regular Schedule (Return)
Please contact me on my mobile if any leads available for car pooling
#carpool #vanpool
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 9am - 5:30pm
Regular Schedule (Return)
#carpool #vanpool #taxishare
Wed 8:30am - 4:15pm
Regular Schedule (Return)
#carpool #vanpool
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 2:45am - 11:30am
Regular Schedule (Return)
#carpool #taxishare
Flexible (Return)
#carpool #vanpool #taxishare
Mon Tue Wed 9am - 4pm
Regular Schedule (Return)
#carpool #vanpool
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 9am - 5pm
Regular Schedule (Return)
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 5am - 4:15pm
Regular Schedule (Return)
#carpool #vanpool #taxishare
Mon Wed 10am - 8:45pm
Regular Schedule (Return)
#carpool #vanpool #taxishare
Flexible (Return)
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 4:45pm - 5:30pm
Regular Schedule (Return)

Employment status: Full time Government / politics / military
In a carpool/vanpool, I'm Good listener, I mind my own business, Shy at first, but warm up quickly
TV watching habits are: Movies, News junkie
Language(s) spoken: English
Interests: Cooking, Family, Listening to music, Photography, Religion / spirituality
Sense of humor is usually: Friendly
Situation: Married
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 8am - 4:45pm
Regular Schedule (Return)
My name is Fred, and I am a 43 year old father of 5. My family has been in AZ for 6 years now, and we have been in Maricopa for about 1 year. Im good with having friendly conversations, and can talk about anything. As of right now, I will only need the service for 1 week, as I am having issues with my mode of transportation. (7/8 to 7/14). Flat rate weekly prices will work best for me.
Employment status: Full time Government / politics / military
In a carpool/vanpool, I'm Good listener, I mind my own business, Shy at first, but warm up quickly
TV watching habits are: Movies, News junkie
Language(s) spoken: English
Interests: Cooking, Family, Listening to music, Photography, Religion / spirituality
Sense of humor is usually: Friendly
Situation: Married
Driver or passenger
Flexible (Return)
#carpool #vanpool
Mon Tue Thu Fri 6:30pm - 5am
Regular Schedule (Return)
Driver or passenger
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 7am - 4pm
Regular Schedule (Return)

Total savings

16,923,581 Cars off the road

86,344,803 mt CO2

9,729,971,621 Gallons

36,831,949,193 Liters

194,233,531,594 Miles

312,588,568,789 Kilometers

Savings in your area

Recent trip origins

Basis Scottsdale Scottsdale

Cholla Cove Park Phoenix

Rita Ranch Tucson Az