Covoiturage Alachua

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Annonces de co-voiturage

#covoiturage #covoituragefourgonnette #partageruntaxi #vélo #transportsencommun
lun mar jeu ven dim 4:45am
Trajet journalier (Aller-seulement)
lun mar mer jeu ven 7am - 5:30pm
Trajet journalier (Aller-retour)
Flexible (Aller-retour)
I need to do errands in Gainesville [without the carpool ] and on occasion have a medical appointment.I'm a very relaxed easy going safe guy.I need to get things done in the city,things not available in the rural areas.
#covoiturage #covoituragefourgonnette #transportsencommun
Flexible (Aller-retour)
I have a few appointments for medical issues and occasional errands for personal needs during the day.
lun mar mer ven 5:45am
Trajet journalier (Aller-seulement)
Need a ride back and forth to work. No car

Total des économies

475,015 Voitures hors route

2,423,544 mt CO2

273,102,827 Gallons

1,033,806,657 Litres

5,455,119,954 miles

8,779,164,571 kilomètres

Épargnes dans votre région